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Broadway Jiu Jitsu

Hi Blog,

Starting a new diet that will help me keep a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle. What they call a Bjj diet. I am not sacrificing  taste, strength nor water intake.

This new diet of course is much more complex but it’s a start and it’s my beginnings. I have to admit, I’m a white belt beginner in the health and eating department.

The diet is quite simple. I cannot eat food as soon as I wake up. Eating food 4-6 hours after waking up will help me keep a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle. Not to mention it will keep your mind sharp. Below is my progress. Please don’t try this if you’re pregnant, diabetic, at an unhealthy weight, or under 18 without consulting a physician.

Day one - no breakfast. My 1st day on the no breakfast diet. I honestly didn’t think I was going to make it because I was supposed to eat a big dinner the night before but ended up eating only cereal. Train jiu jitsu. Didn’t go so hard because I was a little nervous to pass out but I realized that the body can last days even weeks without food and I was going to be alright lol. Remember guys, I drink a lot of water during the day. A lot. Constantly drinking water and one cup of black coffee no sugar.

Went to work and drank water and waited until about 6pm to eat. I ate sloppy joes (don’t judge, gotta eat what’s available and midtown NYC is crazy expensive. I should have had only the meat but forgot I’m supposed to eat protein for my 1st meal. Around 7:30pm, I ate a salad with chicken & avocado. Drank Whey from GNC & some creatine. Went home and ate some cereal.

Day two

Just a reminder that food taste so much better when I don’t eat breakfast. Wake up drink water and a cup of black coffee no sugar no milk. Taste so bad but I gotta get use to it. You can drink coffee in the evening with milk and sugar. Trained jiu jitsu. Felt so flexible and energetic. My body did not feel sluggish. My knees were not killing me. I felt great. I rolled a bit harder knowing I had a big dinner the night before. I did great. I saw some of the ppl I was rolling with and they were exhausted and ready to give up. I was also very tired but I felt great. As long as I’m drinking a lot of water I’m good. Went to work. I train jiu jitsu from 12-1pm and go to work around 2:30pm. I stopped by Starbucks and grab another black coffee with no sugar. They say you should drink plenty of coffee but I can’t drink more than two cups. I just can’t. They say also to put some coconut oil later in the day. Guys remember if you can’t bare to not eat 5-7 hours after waking up try to eat 4 hours after waking up until you get use to it. I grew up in church so I was use to fasting. My mom made me fast lol 😂 and I would fast for an hour lol when I was very little. When I became a bit older I was able to go half the day without eating. Of course fasting you can’t drink water so I don’t really recommend no water because you may get sick and cramp up. Not worth it. Keep on the diet and drink plenty of water.

Let’s fast forward to day 5.

I feel like I’m on a cloud. No joke. Who ever thought of this is pure genius. I feel great! Nothing hurts. Not soar, not in pain. Wake up a drink some water. I wanted to sleep really good so I only had time for some water and left to train jiu jitsu. Grabbed the train, and stopped Starbucks and grabbed black coffee no sugar. Got to Bjj and I have never felt so great before. I felt young, flexible, well rested and energetic. I know its only been 5 days and can’t imagine a year with this secret of no breakfast. Anyway we started drilling side control escapes and some students were already tired. I saw my self like this only a week ago. I was literally getting mopped. Of course it was a black belt but also a white belt. I was like what’s going on? I realized today day 5 that I was going about this all the wrong way. I knew that diet has a huge impact on my jiu jitsu journey, but now I’m realizing how important it is. I was bouncing all over the place today, and passing guys which normally I couldn’t. Some big guys swept me but they had a really hard time today lol 😂. My mind was sharp and I was on it. Wow 🤩.Drinking a lot of water and doing great!

In conclusion

I am starving and is it is now 5pm and I’m going to eat some grilled chicken.

I will keep you posted blog on my progress. If your healthy enough try this out!

Wait about 6 hours after waking up before eating, and your 1st meal should be high in protein. After that 1st meal munch away. Of course moderately especially if you have a competition coming up and have to keep your weight low. Remember you can eat carbs but you should also try to eat as natural as you can. You want a pizza? It’s ok, but eat one fresh instead of one you left over from last night. Pick healthy alternatives if you want to be great in jiu jitsu. Always have one off day. Relax and don’t read or talk about jiu jitsu on that day. This diet could be for life because it allows you to still enjoy good food while still keeping your weight low. That’s why if your stay consistent it works!

Until next time blog. See you on the mats!

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